
Song Of The Week: Miami

I know this song is super cheesy, but I can't help buy smile when I hear it, because I'm going to Miami on Friday!!!! I am heading over with Mrs. R and Mrs. F for some fun in the sun, cocktails, and dancing. You better believe that I plan to wake up listening to this song every morning till I actually arrive, to which I shall switch over to this song....

LMFAO - I'm In Miami Trick
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Must haves for this trip include...

*Polka Dot Bikini
*Red Bull & Vodka


  1. I LOVE that you three are going to Miami! You're going to have such a great time - maybe you'll even run into Will Smith at the aiport and he'll sing "Welcome to Miami" to you.

  2. Watch out Miami!! You guys are going to have a blast

  3. I am so excited! EEK! Erin I really hope I run into Will Smith and he sings to me...would just be perfection!


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