
Song Of The Week: Shake It Out

Happy Twenty Twelve!  Hope you all had a magnificent start to the new year!

Can we all just agree that Florence from Florence + The Machine and Adele are about the most talented female vocalists out there? These women continue to bring goosebumps to my skin with their incredible melodies and while I realize "Shake It Out" isn't the newest song on the block, it is a great song to start off the new year!

Yes, new years is always a little over hyped but I do have to say I love the idea of starting new, fresh and so clean, clean. All of the previous years mistakes, events, whatever are in the past and what lies ahead is whatever you make it. And this song just sets the tone for my year ahead (although 2011 has been my favorite year yet)...and hopefully yours too!


  1. LOVE this song. Love all things Florence.

  2. i love her voice, aaaaaaaaamazing

  3. im glad 2011 was your fave year yet, mine too! on everyones blog though, they seem to have hated this last year. glad to see another lover!

    and yes, i cannot get enough Flo!

  4. I love these guys, I was lucky enough to see them perform the new album in London recently.



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