I just realized that we are almost halfway through January and I still haven't shared my resolutions! I am pretty pleased with my selections this year and think that they are all attainable if I put my mind to it, go for it...
1 ~ workout 75% of each month
75% percent may not sound like a lot, but if you do the math that means I need to exercise a minimum of 23 days in a 30 month calendar. While it will be a challenge, I am ready to make the commitment and plan to share my percentage rate with all of you to help hold me accountable. I have committed to a year long membership to Circuit Works in Venice and I have to say that those trainers kick my ass every session and I love it!
2 ~ stick to a pure, healthy, clean diet
Over Thanksgiving I was introduced to the Paleo Diet by B's mom and was intrigued (and a little scared, let's be honest) at the idea of it. No cheese?! No sugar?! No bread?! Sounded a bit terrible to me. But when I really looked at what I was eating, I quickly realized that it was not so much of a diet, as it was establishing a healthy eating plan. And while I am not following the diet 100%, I am following about 80% and feel great!
3 ~ save, save, save!
I will be the first to admit it. I live from paycheck to paycheck and I hate it! I am TERRIBLE at saving and REALLY want to improve on this. I have a 401K that I invest in and don't touch so I have some savings, but as far as outside of my 401K...nothing. My purse strings need to be tightened again after the holidays so that I can save up for a fabulous vacation or treat on a rainy day...
4 ~ travel
I don't care whether it is via an airplane, a boat or a car but this girl needs to get out an explore. New places, old places, whatever! Resolution #3 and #4 are directly connected to one another and I am hoping that I get out and explore all that is out there. 2011 was a great year for traveling and I hope to continue on with new sights and cities in 2012.
5 ~ take more pictures
I used to be so good about capturing and sharing pictures, and then I just sort of stopped pulling out my camera or uploading my photos that I did take. Pictures are so important to me in remembering all the fun nights out with friends, time spent with loved ones and memories that just don't always click with your "mental picture" (ala Alec Baldwin from Friends - click!). I vow to take, share and print more photos in 2012.
6 ~ read a book a month
I read a lot of books last year and loved the feeling of heading to sbux at my lunch break and losing an hour to my book. This year I am really striving to read one book per month. No particular book is included in this resolution (but would love any recommendations) but would like to read a few classics, some non-fiction, and chick lit books to name a few.
And that my friends are my goals and resolutions for 2012! I think they are all very achievable goals and may require some discipline on my part but I am excited to get started and reflect back in a year on what all was met. So far, I have stuck pretty close to #1, #2 and #6. Still working on them all!
What were your resolutions? How are they going so far? Do you have people you shared them with that will help hold you accountable? I am leaning on friends, coworkers, B and y'all of course to keep me to mine!
Cheers to success in twenty twelve!
I love this post! My resolutions are right alongside yours! Hope your 2012 is off to a great start :) xo
love these! a lot of mine are similar!
those are awesome resolutions, i love them!! i may have to steal a few.....
Love your resolutions and they sound a lot like mine. Here's to a Happy New Year in fulfilling your goals!!!
great ones!! by your tweets, i feel you are always at the gym so i think you will stay on track with that one. i love the read a book a month one, too :)
these are great! i'm so far behind. it's already almost the middle of january and have no resolutions set in stone yet. i really need to get on it.
Great post. i appreciate your work. Thank you.
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go lynds go! here's a blog you may like - my friend Arsy is a huge advocate of the paleo diet
she has lots of great recipes and tips (and info!)
You can do it! love you xoxo
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