

I made the mistake of stopping into Sephora today on my lunch break. Luckily I had enough restraint to walk out empty handed, but this Philosophy Sweet Shoppe Set almost had me reaching for my wallet. The Squishy Red Fishy was my least favorite (but still smelled yummy), the Bubble Gum is phenomenal (visions of my childhood and bubble gum ice cream came to mind) and the Mouth Watering Watermelon had me drooling on the counter. They are the epitome of summer yummy goodness and I fear that I may not be able to hold off from purchasing these much longer. Added bonus....The Bubble Gum is available in the full size bottle in case you are not a fan of the other two.

If you are easily tempted, may I suggest you proceed directly past this post and continue on down to another (and most definitely DO NOT go in the store and smell them)....


Amanda said...

I adore the smells of Philosophy. My favorite is their christmas collection!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Philosophy kills my wallet...everything smells SO GOOD. Totally good enough to eat!


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